viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Angles caidos - Gula - Tomo 2

La batalla entre el bien y el mal ha dejado el futuro de la humanidad en manos de un salvador renuente y su banda de ángeles caídos.
Siete pecados capitales.
Siete almas que deben ser salvadas.
Una batalla más sin restricciones entre un ángel caído con el corazón templado y un demonio con todo que perder.
Isaac Rothe es un soldado de Operaciones Espaciales con un oscuro pasado y un futuro sombrío. Blanco de un asesino, se encuentra tras los barrotes, y su destino en las manos de su preciosa abogada de oficio Grier Childe. La tórrida atracción que siente hacia ella solo puede meterle en problemas y eso antes de que Jim Heron le diga que su alma está en peligro.
Atrapado en un juego cruel con el demonio que persigue Jim, Isaac debe decidir si el soldado que hay en él puede creer que el amor verdadero es el arma definitiva contra el demonio.

Fallen Angels - Crave - Volume 2

The battle between good and evil has left the future of humanity in the hands of a reluctant savior and his band of fallen angels. Seven deadly sins that must be righted. Seven souls that must be saved.

While his first task was success, Jim Heron is battling a demon that can take any form for the soul of someone he must identify on his own. If that weren't enough, his old boss Matthias wants Jim to assassinate an AWOL member of The Firm - Isaac, the man Jim is pretty sure he is supposed to save. Jim knows first hand that once you're in The Firm, there's no getting out. But when Jim finds Isaac to warn him, he has been picked up by the police for illegal street fighting, and it is clear that Isaac is falling for his gorgeous public defender. Is their love the redemption that will save Isaac's soul? Or has the demon Devina set an elaborate trap?

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Fallen Angels - Covent - Volume 1

Redemption isn't a word Jim Heron knows much about-his specialty is revenge, and to him, sin is all relative. But everything changes when he becomes a fallen angel and is charge with saving the souls of seven people from the seven deadly sins. And failure is not an option. Vin DiPietro long ago sold his soul to his business, and he's good with that-until fate intervenes in the form of a tough- talking, Harley-riding, self-professed savior. But then he meets a woman who will make him question his destiny, his sanity, and his heart-and he has to work with a fallen angel to win her over and redeem his own soul.

Angles caidos - Codicia - Tomo 1

Redención no es una palabra que Jim Heron conozca muy bien. Más bien su especialidad es la venganza y el pecado su amigo más cercano. Pero todo cambia cuando se convierte en un Ángel Caído y se le encomienda la tarea de salvar a siete personas de los siete pecados capitales... y el fracaso no está permitido. Vin diPietro hace mucho tiempo que vendió su alma por sus negocios, y es el mejor en su profesión... hasta que el destino se interpone en la forma de un rudo motero que se ha autoproclamado su salvador. Y entonces conoce a una mujer que le hará cuestionarse su destino, su cordura y su corazón... y tendrá que unir fuerzas con un ángel caído para ganársela y redimir su alma.

Monster High™ Fright Song

cr MonsterHigh

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Ghostgirl - El regreso - Tomo 2

Aunque Charlotte se haya «graduado» en Muertología, ahí no ha acabado su historia... ¡todavía tiene que hacer prácticas! Coger el teléfono en un centro de ayuda para adolescentes problemáticos no es algo verdaderamente emocionante. Hasta que un día recibe la llamada de Scarlet: una pedicura terriblemente torpe ha dejado a Petula, su pija e insoportable hermana, en coma y tal vez Charlotte sea la única persona que pueda solucionarlo…
¿Te atreves a entrar en el divertido y siniestro mundo de los muertos?

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


¿HAS DORMIDO ALGUNA VEZ EN UN CEMENTERIO? Dos chicas y un chico forasteros, hacen esta pregunta a Christian, un joven de dieciseis años que ha perdido todo aquello que amaba. Visten de negro y llevan las caras pintadas de blanco, con los labios morados. Han creado RETRUM, una orden secreta que se comunica con los muertos y practica extraños rituales. Una de las chicas, Alexia, poseerá el corazón de Christian, con un amor más allá de la muerte.

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Night Huntress - At Grave´s end - Tomo 3

Algunas cosas no se quedan enterradas….al Final de la Tumba.
Debe ser el mejor momento en la vida de la medio vampiro Cat Crawfield. Con su amante no muerto, Bones, a su lado, ella exitosamente protege a los mortales de los delincuentes no muertos. Pero a pesar de que Cat ha usado disfraz tras disfraz para mantener su verdadera identidad en secreto de las descaradas sanguijuelas, su cubierta ha sido finalmente atrapada, colocándola en terrible peligro.

Como si no fuera suficiente, una mujer del pasado de Bones está determinada a enterrarlo de una vez por todas. Atrapada en la mira de una vampira vengativa, y determinada a ayudar a Bones a detener que una magia letal sea desatada, Cat está a punto de aprender el verdadero significado de mala sangre. Y los trucos que ha aprendido como agente especial no la ayudarán. Ella tendrá que adoptar plenamente instintos de vampiro a fin de salvarse a si misma- y a Bones- de un destino peor que la tumba.

Traducido por AD

Night Huntress - Un pie en la Tumba - Tomo 2

Puedes correr de la tumba, pero no esconderte...
La mitad vampiro Cat Crawfield es ahora la Agente Especial Cat Crawfield, trabajando para el gobierno de liberar al mundo de deshonestos muertos vivientes. Todavia utiliza todo lo que Bones, su sexy y peligroso ex, le enseño, pero cuando Cat es el blanco de asesinato, el unico hombre que puede ayudarla es el vampiro que dejo atras.

Estar cerca de el despierta todas sus emociones, desde la adrenalina de patear o cazar vampiros hasta la imprudente pasion que los consumio, pero hay un precio sobre su cabeza-La quieren: Muerta o medio muerta-lo que significa que su supervivencia depende de asociarse con Bones. Y no importa que tan fuertemente trate de mantener las cosas a un nivel profesional entre ellos, se encontrara que el deseo es para siempre... y que Bones no le permitira desaparecer otra vez.

Traducido en AD

Night Huntress - Medio Camino a la Tumba - Tomo 1

Catherine Crawfield es mitad vampiro y va detrás de los no muertos y su padre, el responsable de arruinar la vida de su madre, por lo que va buscando venganza. Es entonces cuando es capturada por Bones, un vampiro cazarecompensas con el que se ve forzada a una inverosímil alianza. A cambio de ayuda para encontrar a su padre, Cat accede a entrenar con el sexy cazarecompensas hasta que sus reflejos sean tan afilados como los colmillos del vampiro. Ella está sorprendida de no acabar siendo su cena ¿existen los vampiros realmente buenos?
Muy pronto, Bones le convencerá de que su mitad no-muerta no es tan mala como creía. Pero antes de que ella pueda disfrutar de su status como cazadora de demonios, Cat y Bones serán perseguidos por un grupo de asesinos. Ahora Cat tendrá que tomar una decisión... y Bones resulta tan tentador como cualquier hombre con corazón.

Traduccido en el foro Alishea Dreams

Night Huntress - First Drop of Crimson Tomo 5

La noche no es segura para los mortales. Denise MacGregor sabe muy bien lo que acecha en las sombras. Su mejor amiga, Cat Crawfield, es medio vampiro, y ya ha perdido a más de lo que cualquier otro humano podría soportar. Pero el pasado de su familia está envuelto en secretos y en oscuridad, y un demonio teriántropo ha marcado a Denise como su presa. Su supervivencia depende ahora de un inmortal que se muere por saborearla.

Se trata de Spade, un poderoso y enigmático vampiro que lleva siglos vagando por la tierra y que está obligado a proteger a esta seductora humana en peligro… aunque eso signifique destruir a los suyos. Denise puede despertar sus más profundas ansias, pero Spade sabe que debe luchar contra el impulso de hacerla suya mientras se enfrentan juntos a la pesadilla…

Porque una vez que caigan las primeras gotas carmesí, ambos estarán perdidos…

cr Traducio por DT

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

La hermandad de la Daga Negra en Mexico

En Chaos Angeles se esta promocionando esto para la publicacion de esta saga en Mexico asi que aqui les dejo la entrada tal cual:

Bueno, creo que tod@s los lectores mexicanos nos hacemos la misma pregunta: ¿Publicaran la hermandad de la daga negra en México?

Pues bien hoy les traigo la respuesta, quizá no es no lo que esperábamos pero al menos ya es algo.

He estado hablando con Krizia Carmona asistente de comunicación de Suma de Letras. Le comente el interés que hay por esta saga y ella a su vez me dijo que su jefa Elena Tello, hablaría con Laura Lara, directora general de Suma de Letras México para ver si se publicaba la saga.

Aun no existen planes definidos para publicarla en México, pero esto aun no es definitivo. Así que como ven se estaba platicando si conviene publicarla o no.

Ahora yo les pido a todos los lectores mexicanos que dejen un comentario aquí demostrando su interés por la saga y así quizá logremos captar la atención de la editorial.

Se les agradecería muchísimo la distribución de la nota, pues mientras más seamos mejor.

Apoyen la cuasa uniendose al grupo en facebook: Queremos a los hermanos en México

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miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

La Hermandad de la Daga Negra - Tomo 9 Amante Desatada

Payne, hermana de Vishous. Encarcelada durante cientos de años por su madre, por fin se libera sólo para hacer frente a una lesión devastadora. Manuel Manello, es traido por la Hermandad para salvarla, ya que sólo él puede, pero cuando el cirujano humano y la guerrera vampiro se encuentran, sus dos mundos chocan en la ... cara de su pasión innegable. Con tanto en contra de ellos, ¿Podra el amor triunfar sobre la biología de ambos?

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Unleashed - Volume 9

To be released March 29, 2011. The story of Payne.

Payne, twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, seductive cloth as her brother. Imprisoned for eons by their mother, the Scribe Virgin, she finally frees herself-only to face a devastating injury. Manuel Manello, M.D., is drafted by the Brotherhood to save her as only he can-but when the human surgeon and the vampire warrior meet, their two worlds collide in the face of their undeniable passion. With so much working against them, can love prove stronger than the birthright and the biology that separates them?

The Black Dagger Brotherhood -An Insider’s Guide

Prepare to enter the dark passionate world of The Black Dagger Brotherhood and get up close and personal with each one of the Brothers…

You’ll find insider information on the Brotherhood, their dossiers, stats and special gifts. You’ll read interviews with your favorite characters, including a heartbreaking one with Tohrment and Wellsie, conducted three weeks before she was killed by lessers. You’ll encounter deleted scenes—accompanied by the whys behind the cuts—in addition to exciting material from the J.R. Ward message boards and the answers to questions posed by readers about the series. You’ll learn what it’s like for J.R. Ward to write each installment of the series, and in a fascinating twist, you’ll read an interview with the author—conducted by the Brothers. For the first time ever, you’ll get an original short story about Zsadist and Bella and see the miracle of their daughter Nalla's birth and the depth of their love for each other. Also, you’ll get a sneak peek at the much anticipated next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Revenge’s story.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Mine - Volume 8

Lover Mine is John Matthew's story, and was released on April 27, 2010. It is the eighth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. It revolves around rescuing Xhex (Rehvenge's loyal friend and half sympath[1]) from Lash (Vampire/Son of the Omega/Head of the Lessening Society). John Matthew is the reincarnation of Darius, the Brother who was killed by a car bomb in Dark Lover.

In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, a conflict like no other rages. Long divided as a terrifying battleground for the vampires and their enemies, the city is home to a band of brothers born to defend their race: the warrior vampires of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. John Matthew has come a long way since he was found living among humans, his vampire nature unknown to himself and to those around him. After he was taken in by the Brotherhood, no one could guess what his true history was- or his true identity. Indeed, the fallen Brother Darius has returned, but with a different face and a very different destiny. As a vicious personal vendetta takes John into the heart of the war, he will need to call up on both who he is now and who he once was in order to face off against evil incarnate. Xhex, a symphath assassin, has long steeled herself against the attraction between her and John Matthew. Having already lost one lover to madness, she will not allow the male of worth to fall prey to the darkness of her twisted life. When fate intervenes, however, the two discover that love, like destiny, is inevitable between soul mates.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Avenged - Volume 7

Lover Avenged is the seventh book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Caldwell, NY, has long been the battleground for the vampires and their enemies, the Lessening Society. It’s also where Rehvenge has staked out his turf as a drug lord and owner of a notorious nightclub (ZeroSum) that caters to the rich and heavily armed. His shadowy reputation is exactly why he’s approached to kill Wrath, the Blind King, and leader of the Brotherhood. Rehvenge has always kept his distance from the Brotherhood, even though his sister is married to a Brother. Because he’s a symphath[1], his identity is a deadly secret- the revelation of which will result in his banishment to the symphath colony. And as plots within and outside the Brotherhood take their toll against Rehvenge, he turns to the only source of light in a darkening world - Ehlena, a vampire untouched by the corruption that has its hold on him - and the only thing standing between him and eternal destruction. It was released in hardback on April 28, 2009. The paperback version was released on November 24, 2009. It is also available as an ebook.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Enshrined - Volume 6

Lover Enshrined is the sixth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Fiercely loyal to the Brotherhood, Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Brotherhood's bloodlines alive. As Primale of the Chosen, he is to father the sons and daughters who will ensure that the traditions of the race survive and that there are warriors to fight those who want all vampires extinguished.

As his first mate, the Chosen Cormia wants to win not only his body but his heart for herself- she sees the emotionally scarred male behind all his noble responsibility. But while the war with the Lessening Society grows more grim, and tragedy looms over the Brotherhood's mansion, Phury must decide between duty and love.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Unbound - Volume 5

Lover Unbound is the fifth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Ruthless and brilliant, Vishous son of the Bloodletter possesses a destructive curse and a frightening ability to see the future. As a pre-tran growing up in his father's war camp, he was tormented and abused. As a member of the Brotherhood, he has no interest in love or emotion, only the battle with the Lessening Society. But when a mortal injury puts him in the care of a human surgeon, Dr. Jane Whitcomb compels him to reveal his inner pain and taste true pleasure for the first time- until a destiny he didn't choose takes him into a future that cannot include her.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Revealed - Volume 4

Lover Revealed is the fourth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Butch O'Neal is a fighter by nature. A hard living, ex-homicide cop, he's the only human ever to be allowed in the inner circle of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And he wants to go even deeper into the vampire world- to engage in the bolster war with the Lessers. He's got nothing to lose. His heart belongs to a female vampire, an aristocratic beauty who's way out of his league. If he can't have her, then at least he can fight side by side with the Brothers...

Fate curses him with the very thing he wants. When Butch sacrifices himself to save a civilian vampire from the slayers, he falls prey to the darkest force in the war. Left for dead, found by a miracle, the Brotherhood calls on Marissa to bring him back, though even her love might not be enough to save him...

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Awakened - Volume 3

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Of these, Zsadist is the most terrifying member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation. Renowned for his unquenchable fury and sinister deeds, he is a savage feared by humans and vampires alike. Anger is his only companion, and terror is his only passion - until he rescues a beautiful aristocrat from the evil Lessening Society.Bella is instantly entranced by the seething power Zsadist possesses. But even as their desire for one another begins to overtake them both, Zsadist's thirst for vengeance against Bella's tormentors drives him to the brink of madness. Now, Bella must help her lover overcome the wounds of his tortured past, and find a future with her

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Lover Eternal - Volume 2

Lover Eternal is second book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. It tells the story of Rhage who is considered to be the most attractive of all the Brothers. His beauty has earned him the nickname 'Hollywood'.

Rhage was cursed in the early eighteen hundreds for angering the Scribe Virgin. Due to his continued recklessness and uncontrollable lust after his transition, the Scribe Virgin gave him The Beast. Fearsome in its beauty, the Beast resembles a huge dragon with massive claws and a jaw filled with sharp fangs. It was a punishment designed to regulate Rhage's energy and moods. Whenever he gets out of control, the Beast comes out. When this occurs Rhage's eyes turn a brilliant white and his body mutates in a grisly display of tearing and ruptures - letting the Beast emerge. When it is out, Rhage is totally suppressed and he is in no way able to control the Beast, who knows neither friend nor foe. Because of this, Rhage has to keep the Beast from coming out by subduing it through the satiation of a good fight or sex...

Rhage's sexual exploits are the stuff of legend in the Vampire society. It is said that fathers tell their sons the story of Rhage when the time is right. But Rhage does not relish this reputation and is, in fact, eager to cast it off.

In Lover Eternal Rhage meets Mary, a human female to whom he is inexplicably drawn. Mary is unwittingly thrown into the vampire world and reliant on Rhage's protection. However with a life-threatening curse of her own she is not looking for love and lost her faith in miracles long ago. But when Rhage's attraction turns to something more emotional he has to fight to make Mary his alone.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - Dark Lover - Volume 1

Dark Lover is the first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. It tells the story of Wrath - the last purebred vampire left on the planet. The un-ascended king of the vampire species, Wrath lives only to fight in an endless war with the soulless vampire slayers, Lessers, who brutally murdered his parents centuries ago. As leader of the Brotherhood, his only solace is in fighting, not looking to the past or future, shunning his duties as King.

Within the vampire world, Wrath is known as the Blind King, due to his extremely poor eyesight, though this does not affect his powers on the battlefield nor his ability to sense the feelings of others around him.
Blaming himself for not intervening when his parents were slain, Wrath has wrapped himself in a cocoon of self-hatred and emotional distance, but Dark Lover tells of his enlivening. When the Lessers kill one of his best fighters, Darius, Wrath is left with the responsibility to help the warrior’s half-human daughter, Beth, through her transition. It is through Beth that Wrath learns to feel and look toward the future of his life and of the species as a whole.


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